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Blog #10 - Warren Kramer

August 2020 

Here is a summary of my student days at Gallaudet: 

I have already explained in an earlier blog about the Summer School for entering  students in 1967. 

Although my Freshmen year was difficult and I did not obtain high grades in that year. I  obtained far better grades from 1968/1969 onwards. I changed my advisor to Dr.  Richard Phillips. I was able to continue the next 3.5 years to receive my BA degree in  December, 1971. 

I hit the Dean’s List once - in my Sophomore year. 

I majored in Art. My best art subjects were Design, Painting, and Sculpture. 

I never liked the Washington DC winters - too cold. I used to be sick most of the time.  and used to end up in the University’s on-campus infirmary (hospital). The doctor was  deaf! He had a good sense of humor. He encouraged me not to give up! 

The Art Department at Gallaudet had good professors. Mr. Corte was the  chairman. The other professors were Mr. Salazar and Miss Betty Miller. Betty was deaf. 

One highlight at Gallaudet was giving Ballroom Dance demonstrations on stage in the  Elstad Auditorium, organized by Professor Peter Wisher. 

I received my BA degree at the Class of 1972 graduation ceremony in the Washington  Cathedral. 

After touring Italy, France, and the United Kingdom in 1972 with my parents, I returned