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Blog #17 - Clifton Carbon

 Updated Blog, February 20, 2021 

Greetings from Canada to all GU ‘71ers! 

Some of you recently requested and received a complimentary copy of my book, Samuel Thomas  Greene: A Legend in the Nineteenth Century Deaf Community. So far, I have shipped twenty-eight  (28) copies to some of you. 

I still have some copies left for any ‘71er who missed the opportunity. See information on how to  obtain a copy for your reading pleasure. 

Hope to see you all at Class of 1971’s 50th Anniversary Reunion in October 2021.  Until then, stay safe and healthy during COVID-19. 

Clifton F. Carbin, '71 & H-'89 

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Book Title: Samuel Thomas Greene: A Legend in the Nineteenth Century Deaf Community,  softcover, 224 pages, 6”x9” 33 black and white photos throughout ISBN 1-55306-956-0 Retail  price: $29.95 CAD 

Samuel Thomas Greene, born in 1843, grew up in Maine, attended North America’s first  permanent and publicly supported school for deaf children in Hartford, Connecticut, and the  world’s first degree-granting college for deaf students, in Washington, D.C. Later, he became  an accomplished teacher in Canada at a provincial school for the deaf in Belleville, Ontario. He  was a multitalented man who made significant contributions to the development of the  nineteenth century Deaf Community. Despite several stone edifices and other memorials that  mark his existence, not a single book about him has been written – until now. 

This book documents Greene’s life, providing an archival story that includes a selection of his  original school compositions, letters, writings, and speeches along with a broad selection of  photographs and other documented materials of interest. It will help preserve Greene’s legacy  for many generations and will be a resource for future writers to expand on to further share his  extraordinary story. This biography also is a valuable addition to the growing collection of Deaf  profiles that readers can enjoy. 

On the form below: 

One complimentary copy for each member of Gallaudet Class of 1971 





Postal/Zip Code: 



Do you want the author’s autograph? 

Please either mail this form or scan it as an e-mail attachment to: 

Dr. Clifton F. Carbin 

7-2224 Upper Middle Road 

Burlington, Ontario, L7P 2Z9 Canada 
