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Blog #19 - Lance Fischer


As of 3/31/2021, the principal balance in the Class of 1971 Scholarship is $73,829.70

List of donors for the month of March 2021 

Gerald & Rita Ahrens 

Mike & Lynette Cardinale 

Jonathan Cetrano 

Roman Kazragis 

Jane. Kuzoian 

Fat C. Lam 

Mary Anne Pugin 

Helena Schmitt 

Laura Sweeney 

Florence Vold 

Leslie Zinza 

Lisa of donors since January 1, 2021 

Gerald & Rita Ahrens 

Rachel Bavister  

Mike & Lynette Cardinale 

Jonathan Cetrano 

Dorothy Cohler  

Thomas Coulston 

Nancy Daniels 

Lance & Kitty Fischer 

Randy Fisher 

Steven Frank 

Kenn Good 

Michael & Karyl Hummel 

Ronald Huntley 

Roman Kazragis 

Deirdre Kennedy 

Jane Kuzoian 

Fat Lam 

Mary Anne Pugin 

Monte & Barbara Richardson 

Helena Schmitt 

Rita Spencer 

Laura Sweeney 

Florence Vold 

Bryan Zinza 

Leslie Zinza