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Blog #21 - Bill Armstrong

I am Bill Armstrong, E-‘71 from Washington state. I was at Gallaudet for  two years from 1966-1968. Wendy Bachman asked me to write a bit about how I have been doing. (photo: 1967 Tower Clock Yearbook) 

I enjoyed reading our class members’ messages, videos very much. But  I know their names but I am not sure about their faces. It has been a long  time since 50 years ago. But that is okay. 

I am not tech savvy. I am still doing the old ways and workaholic. I love doing outdoor  activities and wearing humble clothes. 

I had two different jobs – I worked at the navy department for 22 years in Keyport,  Washington. and my second job was at the paper company (doing the paper bags and  different papers) for 11 years in Port Townsend. Then I retired from both jobs. 

Afterwards I go to the Olympic Peninsula in west Washington where the Pacific Ocean  is – doing the outdoor activities. I avoided driving in the areas of Seattle, Tacoma, and  Everett as there is too much traffic and too crowded. 

I love camping, beaches, hiking, biking and so on. These activities make me feel good  and very relaxing without stress. 

I am not much for traveling however I went on cruises four times. Three of them were a  group of hearing people and the other cruise was a group of deaf people. The last time  was in 2012 before my mom passed away. 

I enjoyed my life until Covid-19 pandemic began. So, I have been staying at home a lot  and doing the yard work. I also visit my family and relatives. Many deaf events were  cancelled. It is sad but it is safer to stay healthy. 

Anyway, I was divorced in 1996. From this marriage, I have one daughter and one  son. I have six grandchildren.