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Blog #27 - Tom Benziger


Good day Brothers and Sisters of Class of 1971.


Our Class Reunion(Virtually) is coming “around the corner” before you knew it. I would like to share a short message about how I got involved with lost alumni and keeping Gallaudet and our classmates up to date with the passing of our Brothers and Sisters.


Back in the fall of 2016 I attended the 45th class reunion at Gallaudet and with the advice of Helena Schmitt’s encouraging me to attend Class of 1966 getting their Emeriti Awards. I was really moved and experienced goose pimples, thinking of our Brothers and Sisters who have left Gallaudet not knowing this special award since we all are members of Class of 1971 whether we graduate or not but still get to be recognized. I was there when I decided to start digging our lost members, I got the list of our classmates with no current addresses according to its file from the Alumni House (PAH). That was 4 years ago when I begin this challenging project of mine starting with 70+ names. Some are in the wrong class due to their earning credits and they are loyal to other classes, that reduces a bit of my investigation.  I have found some through FaceBook, newspapers, obituaries, and through the word mouth of friends. All the findings were based from my research training on my family history and this enhanced my experience doing this.


One particular incident that I very much wanted to share this with you is that when I was looking for Ronald Barclay and found him living in Maine close to his sister at that time. He had many health problems and the distortion of his vision. I have been communicating with him until he gave up his apartment and moving to live with his sister, Paula. Here is the video of him leaving message which touches my heart. The message was video made on Feb 18, 2019 and he passed away March 1, 2019. His message really hit me how much he loved and wanted to be with us. To see the video at (the transcript is at the end of this blog).


He is one of the few that I have touched our other Brothers and Sisters who were alive prior to this upcoming class reunion, ie: Lanning Garner, Ronald Golden, Gerald Richardson. I am also keeping in touch with others who doesn’t want to give Gallaudet their whereabouts.


Enjoy the Reunion weekend,

Tom Benziger


Transcript of Ron Barclay’s recorded video conversation with Tom Benziger:

Thank you for contacting me with two letters. I read them and I wanted to let you know that I will not be able to live long. I am not able to attend a class reunion or class cruise because my time is getting short – I do not know how soon.  I just wanted to let you – if you wanted to call me back. Please read the card with my sister, Paula’s phone number.  So, I am leaving you my message if you wish to call me back. I will be happy to hear from you so call Paula. Thank you for your friendship.  One more thing – I do not know if you have a phone number for a lady named Jane Kuzoian.  I need to talk with her. If you have her phone number, you can give her Paula’s phone number. I’d be happy to talk with you.  All right?  Keep Paula’s phone number. Bye.