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Blog #28 - John Egbert

As an oralist entering Gallaudet had changed my life after learning ASL and Deaf  culture. I owe it to spread the truth about the reality how the Deaf children and I were  being deprived from our natural language which is ASL, American Sign Language. 

AGB, Alexander Graham Bell was the main reason why majority of the Deaf children  were deprived of cognitive language before the age of 8. 

To this day, AG Bell Association still carries on AGB’s mission to focus on audio method  of learning instead of the natural visual method. 

NAD, National Association of the Deaf is supposed to be the leader educating the  society about the proper need to develop awareness of Deaf children who must have  visual language. 

I created an organization called DBC, Deaf Bilingual Coalition and it was the first deaf  organization to protest against AG Bell Association in 2007 in Virginia. I was hoping that  NAD would also participate in the protest but never did. 

DBC also attended EHDI, Early Hearing Detection & Intervention convention in Dallas,  Texas. I spoke to a large group about how I finally became a normal person after  learning ASL and explained my experience learning the visual language. 

My speech was worth a million because many cried after listening to my spoken  message. 

Still as of today, Deaf leaders say the DBC changed the landscape of EHDI. 

We still need to do more and we need much more Deaf reality on TV commercials and  documentaries. 

I close this with this note: 

Deaf Reality: 

The concept of hearing people is like a PC computer. 

The concept of Deaf people is like a Mac computer. 

They both function the same. 

But both have different operating software. 

Audioand Visual 

John F Egbert, 

Proudly Member of Gallaudet Class of ‘71