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Blog #6 - John Egbert

My Last Day at Gallaudet 

by John Egbert 

It was Tuesday when Dr. Phillip called me into his office to let me know that I had  been terminated from Gallaudet despite this coming Friday being the last day of  school. 

Dr. Phillip didn’t want me to enjoy the last week of Gallaudet to experience the  Rat Funeral, etc. 

I was sad. 

That last night, John Yeh, Roger Claussen and Alvin Leff came into my room and  asked me to help out having the fishing line to Peet Hall from College Hall over  the library. 

The reason I was needed was to achieve the success in having the fishing line  over the Library was my ability to enter the locked library and get on the roof to  carry the fishing line all the way across the Library and then to Peet Hall. 

After a couple attempt to achieve success, the campus police came over while I  was on the library roof and the campus police knew where I needed to come  down off the roof, I finally decided to use a cherry bomb and threw it to the other  side of the library and good enough, the campus police went over to investigate  the loud noise. That gave me time to climb down from the library and escaped to  College Hall. 

I really don’t remember much that night after hanging up the fishing line. 

John Yeh, Roger Claussen and Alvin Leff remained its project sending paper  messages to Peet Hall and back. I was not involved as I had to pack my clothes,  etc. 

I flew home early the next morning. 

When we meet again at the '71 Class Reunion, I would like to hear more on how  much fun that night - between Peet Hall and College Hall. 

That last day at Gallaudet was the beginning of my wonderful Deaf life because I  became Bilingual - English and ASL. 

Thank you, Gallaudet! 

(FYI, Wendy Bachman and Barbara Hong Richardson agreed to do the project on blogs and/or  vlogs given by our classmates. Thanks go to Laura Sweeney, co-chair of our 50th anniversary  class reunion for this concept.)