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Blog#14 - John Egbert

Tower of Babel 

The story of the Tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages.  God was concerned that Humans had blasphemed by building the tower to avoid a  second floor so God brought into existence multiple languages. Thus, humans were  divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one another. 

That paragraph above, “Humans were divided into linguistics groups, unable to  understand one another”. 

Deaf people are more worse off into the dilemma of learning a language and not  accepted by hearing society as whole. Sign Language has been blasphemed and  needed to be excepted as a full language that is unable to be ‘seen’ by hearing society. 

How can we overcome that? 

Maybe another contagious deafness-virus like COVID-19 to lead as an innocent factor  but positive ramifications? 

Words makes us weak, meaning that we’re limited prolonged with time to explain. 

ESP, Extrasensory perception could be the answer for Hearing and Deaf people which  could be instantaneous communication without misunderstanding.