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Blog #22 - Daivd Simpson

 Hi Gally 71’s classmates, 

I really enjoy reading the blogs and watching videos from the Gally 71’s classmates. 

I understand most of you guys want to know what or how I have been doing since I left  Gallaudet College (now it became Gallaudet University). 

Really the only thing I can think of is this blog: 

In 1966 when I came to Gallaudet campus from Dulles International Airport, I was thrilled  to see the College Hall where I stayed with other roommates. This was my first time  experiencing staying in a historic dorm, which was built about 1865. There were no  elevators, no air conditioners, and no closets except drawers for clothes. Of course, the  beds were provided for students. 

I had someone (I don’t remember the name) assist me to lift my heavy trunk of personal  things all the way up the fourth floor. My roommates were Tony Hackett, John Wong,  and John Yeh. They were cool guys. 

That was my highlighted experience when I arrived at Gallaudet. 

Dave Simpson