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DYK #7 - Madan Vasishta as NMSD Superintendent

that Madan Vasishta was featured in a Vimeo video made by a student named Bruce  Brewer at New Mexico School for the Deaf? 

Click the link to view the video at: Link

Below is the transcript of the video for the deaf/blind classmates (Big thanks went to  Barbara Hong Richardson for typing this transcript.) 

Narrated by Bruce Brewer, Jr., Class of 2022 at New Mexico School for the Deaf. “Dr. Madan M. Vasishta (1994-2000) 

Dr. Madan Vasishta was our seventh superintendent. He was born and lived with his  family in a rural village near the Himalayan Mountains. He attended school in his village  and became deaf when he was 11 years old. 

He became very ill one day when he was 11 years old and he had a fever of 105  degrees! When he woke up the next morning, he couldn’t hear anything at all. Dr.  Vasishta had typhoid fever, which had caused him to become profoundly deaf overnight. 

There were no other Deaf people in his family and his family did not know what to do. He  did not know what to do or how to communicate. Writing was his only means of  communication but nonetheless, he was kicked out of school for being Deaf. He was  discriminated against badly because he was Deaf. 

However, he was determined to continue learning and he began to read profusely. He  worked on his family’s farm for 10 years. He had many chores on the farm such as  milking cow(s) and plowing in the fields. 

He moved to the United States in 1967 where he began as a freshman at Gallaudet  University. At Gallaudet, he learned American Sign Language. Within six months of  studying ASL, he could communicate fluently with other Deaf people without the use of an  interpreter. Dr. Vasishta continued his education at Gallaudet, completing his Bachelors,  Masters and Ph. D. He has a wife, two children and one grandson. 

While he was at University, he worked in a variety of positions, including being a teacher  at the Kendall Demonstration Elementary School on Gallaudet’s campus for six years. 

After completing his Ph.D., he quickly moved to Texas where he became a principal at  the Texas School for the Deaf. 

Later he would become the interim assistant superintendent at the School for the Deaf in  Illinois. Then as the superintendent of the School of the Deaf in North Carolina. 

When the superintendent position opened at New Mexico School for the Deaf (NMSD), he  applied immediately. He became NMS’s superintendent in 1994 and continued until  2000. Dr. Vasishta worked very closely with Dr. Stephen Nover and the Federal Star  School Program to encourage NMSD students to become fluent in both ASL and 

English. During Dr. Vasishta’s time at NMSD, there were many hearing staff members  and a very few Deaf Staff members. Dr. Vasishta worked hard to entice more Deaf  people to work for NMSD. 

He also worked diligently to increase NMSD’s statewide services in order to endure the  Deaf students who attended public schools far from NMSD would have teachers that  knew how to support their education and Deaf students. 

He also worked to establish the CASA (Court Appointment Special Advocate Rule 10- 164) Conference, a biennial conference that is hosted for educators and teachers who  work with Deaf students as well as parents of Deaf children. 

Dr. Vasishta’s favorite past-time was socializing with the students in the Cafeteria in the  mornings. In the evenings, he was often found going to the dormitories to interact with  NMSD students. He made interacting with students a priority and the students loved him  for it. 

During his time as superintendent, Dr. Vasishta also worked to build the NMSD  Albuquerque pre-school. He purchased the land in Albuquerque in order to serve Dead  and hard of hearing students ranging from 2-6 years old. 

Dr. Vasishta challenged everybody to make sure that everyone at NMSD signed at all  times. He wanted both students and staff to have full access to all communication  happening on the campus. 

Before Dr. Vasishta became superintendent, many staff members would speak without  signing which meant that it was not always accessible. 

After retiring from NMSD, Dr. Vashishta became a professor at Gallaudet  University. However, he often missed NMSD as he had so enjoyed interacting with  NMSD students and New Mexicans. He missed the wonderful weather, the beautiful blue  sky, the mountains, and the diversity found in the Mexican and North American cultures  represented here, as well as the diverse foods. His experience leaving NMSD was  different but he still enjoyed teaching students at Gallaudet. 

In his lifetime, Dr. Vasishta has written six books and his seventh will be out soon. One of  his books is titled ‘Deaf in Delhi’ and another is titled ‘Deaf in D. C.’ 

Eventually he resigned from Gallaudet to give his full attention to working with the Indian  Government writing policies and books so that the people of India would change their  attitude, thinking about Deaf people and begin to believe that Deaf people can do  anything!"