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Blog #26 - Rita Spencer: What Gallaudet Means to her



Hello to y’all, my brothers and sisters of Class of 1971… What does Gallaudet mean to all of us, as students or as alumni?? Here are some of my thoughts…


When each individual entered Gallaudet College as a prep or as a freshman, he/she had the opportunity to gain pleasant and unpleasant experiences… Gallaudet was also the ground of friendships being made.


These friendships last forever, no matter where we are… they somehow are connected. When we graduated/left Gallaudet, we are/were able to reconnect easily because of our experiences on the campus.


Wherever I travel, I have friends all over… Reconnect with old friends and make new friends, all because of our connects with Gallaudet. 


Our ties to Gallaudet are much stronger than we think… thanks Gallaudet for giving us the opportunity.  I am looking forward to our virtual reunion.