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Blog #24 - Brian Zinza

As I recalled in the summer of 1966, I had entered pre-preparatory programs. There  were at least 75 students. Only person I knew well was Richard Brooks, a classmate of  mine at New York School for the Deaf (NYSD). 

Then we met two “not so nice guys” from Philadelphia. They were Walter Camenisch  and Randy Fisher. Richard and I sighed. We felt like customarily 2 vs. 2. 

Note: (Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (PSD) and NYSD had a long history of rivalry’s  sports competition. The administration of schools tended to blame their players for  denying (always) some parts of damaged properties in the dormitory.) 

During our leisure times, four of us were involved in pestering and mocking, even at  bedtime, at the cafeteria and outing trips. We were wrestling, at most times, we were  struggling hard! That had continued for several weeks. 

Near to the end of the programs, most students participated in playing a tennis table for  tourney. It must be 2 out of 3 games to win the tourney. 

I beat others all so easily without a single loss. Until reaching the finals, I was in. Who  else? Walter was in, too! I sighed again. Both of us had not yet lost any games. Then we  continued our battle. First win, I got. And then Walter won the second game. We were  even! We had a heated battle in the last game. Finally, I won! It proved me to be the best  player of all summer programs! 

No matter what we did so far! Overall, they were good wonderful guys so I enjoyed being  a classmate of 1971 in my moments of the years. 

My little profile: Lois Chan from Hong Kong for 21 years, travelling, trekking, and lap  swimming. Leading ASL for Seniors in the community.