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Blog #29 - Tom Benziger


Now that our 50th Class Reunion and our thanksgiving have now passed, and I would like to update a few things that I have been in touch with some of our classmates and very much wanted to share this with u.

Bruce Ostrout
He and I were roommates during our Freshman year and after our 25th class reunion we have kept in touch. Out of the blue recently, Bruce gave me a VP call and we both have wonderful conversation. Just wanted to let you know that both he and his wife, Carolyn Hammock Ostrout, E-’73 are doing so well and they are enjoying so much time with their grandchildren. What surprises me is that when they were expecting their first baby back in late spring or early summer of 1969 just before I left for Europe. Learned it was a boy and got them a cute baby outfit from Italy. I knew that Bruce’s family are Italians and for that reason I decided to get something for them. I sent to them directly from Italy and never heard from them until we met again during our 25th class reunion. They confirmed that they did get the package and it now has passed on to their second son and then to their grandsons. What a sentimental. Every since that I kept in touch with them from time to time. With Bruce’s recent call really makes my day so bright. Thank you, Bruce and of course his lovely wife, Carolyn, for the warm chatting. 

Diane Castro Walker
Both Diane and I were old friends from Catholic School and we rarely keep in touch with each other during our growing up and during College days, she has been dating with W. Garret Walker ‘69 from North Carolina whom she eventually married him. Anyway, we finally got into a chat via messenger about our old days at St Gregory’s and she sent me a photo of ourselves when we were so young which I never saw it before and this is becoming one of my treasures (photo below).  Thank you, Diane, for sharing this with me and I must share this with our classmates. Boy that must be about 65-70 years ago, and how we cherish our childhood friends and to this day we are still friends living outside of Illinois, me in WIsconsin and Diane in North Carolina, my heartfelt hug goes to Diane. I have to admit that Diane and I were the favorite students under Ms. Davis' class, don’t you agree, Diane?

Tom (left), Diane (right)

Walter Camenisch
I thank him for reaching out to me via Helena Schmitt’s message to him that I had a small favor to ask. As we had conversation, I was actually trying to reach out to one of our classmates who happened to be living in Austin Texas, thinking I could get some information from Walter. He was so good saying how wonderful teacher she was and every student at TSD loved her. This person I was looking for was Carolyn Ball (originally from FSDB). As I understand that she “disappeared into very thin air” and no one seems to know where she could be.  After I learned of her passing away June 24, 2021, I contacted Helena first and then to Walter to break not so good news.  My heart goes to this wonderful lady who pour her love to education and to her students in her lifetime. Thank you, Walt for digging some information as well.   

Graeme Harrison

I was asked to see if I could find Graeme Harrison due to email returned undeliverable. I was able to leave lengthy message via messenger and bingo he responded and boy he asked so many logistics questions and he does have good memories of his days and surroundings in DC. Talked about his motor cycle and the rides to GT [Georgetown] and the chasing of police in DC. I just wished that he could share his stories with us. Maybe he will after this, I hope you will, Graeme? He does have many stories to share. Thanks Graeme. 

H. Sue Jacobs Green
When she first came to Gallaudet, it caught my eyes because I had a weakness for a lady with dashing red hair (although I didn’t marry one). We have “visited” each other’s Facebook page as I did with others too. Thank u Sue for being my longtime friend since our college days. 

Janice Knopf Woodall
I have known Janice since our elementary school days and the last few years ago I learned that she has been living in the same state (Illinois) where I was two homes in Illinois and Wisconsin at that time. One day a few years ago I brought Joan 
Snyder, and Bill Lindquist (both currently living in Wisconsin) to a surprise visit at her house. She knew I was coming but not Joan and Bill (including his wife, Linda E-’73). She enjoyed our 50th memory book and I still encourage her to jump in the loop with us. Thank you, Janice for being our friends for so long too. 

I also tried to reach a person whom I was once close friend with and this person had treated me silent treatment ever since. It is so sad that this person decided to have nothing to do with me for unknown reasons and for heaven’s sake our life is so short I do hope that many of you will consider trying to outreach your old friends, time is so precious.

Here’s my love to one and all who read this and please do share this with the others too.