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DYK#20: Greg Decker-Part2 The Decker Gang




Richard, Mont and Greg had checked their bucket lists but Mont and Greg had the inner flame wanting to move a step further and experience an authentic cattle drive. They took a new member, Ernie Epps ’75 (Mont’s brother-in-law).


MWRanch in Colorado offered an experience such as doing nighthawks (watching the cattle during the 2-hour periods during the night) assignments, sleeping outside (it rained lightly during the first day). Thus they were known as The Decker Gang.


Two photos: 

1) Greg, Mont and Ernie standing and pointing their guns at the camera 

2) Greg, Mont and Ernie standing behind the chuck wagon and showing their belt buckles; 

Greg, Mont and Ernie Greg, Mont and Ernie 


Three photos: 

1) Greg on his horse 

2) Mont on his horse 

3) Ernie on his horse; Greg known as Mont known as Ernie known as Tab Guts Moonshine 


The large number of the cowboys was hearing and they didn’t have any problem communicating while riding. But we had to have at least one hand on the reins while signing. 


Photo: Greg cleaning the rear hoof of his horse; 


Every cowboy was completely responsible for their horses such as grooming, feeding, cleaning hooves, etc. 


Two photos: both photos showing the cattle scattering on the top of the mountain; Riding our horses while herding the cattle up the mountains was fun. 


Two photos: 

1) Guts at the right edge of the photo herding the cattle toward the aspen trees 

2) cattle fearlessly walking through the dense aspen trees; 


Herding the cattle toward the dense aspen trees was scary but our horses knew where to go. We couldn’t rein our horses to go another way. 


Photo: Tab sitting on the ground in the front of his bedroll, clothes, raincoat and other stuff; 

We slept in our own cowboy canvas roller beds – nothing comparing to the modern sleeping bags! 


Photo: Tab, Ernie, the 2nd assistant sitting on a rail, the owner also sitting on the rail, Mont next to the wooden sign saying MW Ranch authentic 1870’s cattle drive; 

Tab, Moonshine, the 2nd assistant, the owner and Guts 

The owner was mellow and walked at his own pace while his 2nd assistance was younger and more active. 


We hoped to do something like that again in the near future. 




There were some nice articles about us Deaf cowboys in the magazines called World Around You (September/October 1997) and Gallaudet Today.Quoted from them, see below.


Decker, Richardson and Epps became cowboys! For a week, they herded cattle through the grassland and desert of Colorado and New Mexico. Riding on horseback, they drove the cattle 65 miles. They finished their journey near Chama, New Mexico. 


... (another part) When they finished their journey, they were at 11,000 feet. 


... (another part) During the day, they (cowboys) faced more rain – as well as hail, snow, and strong winds. They ate their meals from the chuck wagon, taking turns with the others feeding the horses, washing dishes, and guarding their cattle. When all of the cowboys pulled out their six shooters for a shooting completion, they joined in – and Richardson won.