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Vlog #41

 Tom Benziger’s Vlog, February 2022

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Transcript (prepared by Tom Benziger):


Hello.  I posted it on Facebook last year on February 7, 2021 “To my brothers and sisters, Class of 1971 Gallaudet University – I salute to my classmates – who are they? Great leaders, educators, achievers, great role models to many people – that is what I posted in my Facebook on February 7, 2021 and I also signed the story in another Facebook – Deaf Storytelling and Jokes Page. 


A couple weeks ago, Facebook sent me a 1 year memory of what I did and watched it.  I realized it was a nice story.  I wanted to retrieve and save the video but I couldn’t. So, I have to do it again.  I have Facebook on my iPhone and played the video on.  I will copy what I signed and put it in the video. Ok? Ready?


Hello.  I am Tom Benziger.  Today is the Super Bowl game will begin in 30 minutes.  I grabbed my opportunity to make this video and tell the story – one joke.  I had mentioned it from time to time. I was invited to Gallaudet 25th anniversary as Master of Ceremonies (MC).  I was asked to go to Ole Jim and I was given instructions.  I learned that the class had voted me to be their MC for our Saturday Morning Breakfast and I was honored to be asked.  They (Ole Jim staff) wanted me to follow the procedure – step by step.  I would like to have some jokes in between my presentation but they said to me “No” and I must follow the procedure.  So, I said “Ok.” (I put that in the back of my mind but regardless I would still go ahead because I felt that they should have some positive jokes in their lives.)


Anyway, Saturday morning I was excited and I wore a tie and jacket (suit) and gave the presentation with welcome and so on and in between stories.  One I mentioned – three men walking on the beach.  The man in the middle saw Aladdin's lamp and he rubbed it.  A genie appeared. Remember that story?


Anyway, these three men talked and discussed.  Yes, the genie appeared. The genie told them she usually gives three wishes to one person.  But each man would get only one wish so who wanted to be the first man.


The first man wanted to be the first one.  He told the genie that since his school, he had poor social life, illiterate – can’t read.  He wanted to be a little smarter and socialize better.  He would like to be 25% smarter.  The genie granted him his wish and he got smarter.  His friends asked him questions and he was able to answer – for instance, math and he gave the answer faster. 


The second man thought about it and wanted to be 50% smarter.  And he realized how smarter he is and understood more especially in the history he loved.  He was happy.


The third man looked at these two men – 25% more and 50% more.  He thought about it and probably 75% more. But he replied that he wanted 100% more.  The genie asked him if he was sure about it.  The man replied “Yes, I wanted to be 100% smarter.”  He got his wish but know what happened?  He became a woman! Women are smarter than men. But the third man wanted to go back as a man – not a woman. But the genie said your wish remains100 % smarter as a woman from now on. 


Our classmates laughed and laughed.  They were happy.  Why? Because many of our female classmates are very smart.  They are leaders.  They laughed and cheered.  They were thrilled with this joke!


I felt funny and something cool. But I got off the stage and sat down.  Then I looked down and I was stunned that my zipper (fly) was wide open.  Thank goodness, I used the boxer – dark color and my pants were dark.  If I had briefs – white, they would probably notice it. 


So, I asked one by one in the audience and they did not notice it because they were glued to my signing - big and clear.  I was relieved. 


That is the joke I wanted to share with you – the Class of 1971 if you remembered that story.