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Showing posts from November, 2021

Blog #25 - Barbara Hong Richardson

My Wonderful experiences with Monarch Butterflies My earliest milkweed plants were in 2014. Eventually I added more milkweed plants because the caterpillars ate lots of leaves. After they reached their 5th instar, they left the pots to sear…

Blog #12 - Knob Hill Covers

Blog #1 - Warren Kramer

Warren Kramer, May 17, 2020  This my story when I was at the Summer Session at Gallaudet in 1967:  I came to the USA with my parents in 1967. At first we arrived at the Gallaudet campus  a little too early. After looking around the campus a bit... we walked into Hall Memorial  Building.…

Blog #2 - John Egbert

John Egbert, May 25, 2020  John F. Egbert, born Deaf to hearing parents,  Same Deaf group that 95% of us having hearing parents.  Gallaudet changed my life  I didn’t know sign language  The definition of interaction in communication is deep  Until I arrive Gallaudet and learned American S…

Blog #3 - John Egbert

John Egbert’s Message, June 4, 2020  Really, in my mind, many of you have done many good things in life. Many of you had dreams  to able to achieve the best you can do.  I had brain tumor back around 2005. I couldn’t no longer smell or taste. The doctor found that I  have an egg size tumo…

Blog #4 - John Egbert

John Egbert’s First Day at Gallaudet.  During the summer of 1966, I arrived Krug Hall where new students  stayed at, around 7 am by taxi from the train station to attend summer  school for learning sign language.  I was awed seeing some Deaf students signing very fast.  I met an oral fr…

Blog #5 - Leslie "Lee" Anderson

As I write this, I would like to think that my Gallaudet experience actually began in 1964  when I read a poster at the local deaf club in Aberdeen Scotland. The poster mentioned  try-outs for the British Deaf Olympic team.  An all-expense paid trip to America, where the Olympic Games for…

Blog #6 - John Egbert

My Last Day at Gallaudet  by John Egbert  It was Tuesday when Dr. Phillip called me into his office to let me know that I had  been terminated from Gallaudet despite this coming Friday being the last day of  school.  Dr. Phillip didn’t want me to enjoy the last week of Gallaudet to experi…

Blog #7 - Madan Vasisha

My Experience at Gallaudet  By Madan Vasishta  I arrived at Gallaudet on September 14, 1967. I was two weeks late and missed the orientation.  I was tired after two days of airplanes and layovers. The cab driver dropped me off at College  Hall where about 30 students were milling around s…

Blog #8 - Fat Lam

My years at Gallaudet   By Fat Lam  After spending my youth working some eight years as a tailor, carpenter, and bricklayer,  at the age of 21, I bid farewell to my mother, relatives, and friends in Hong Kong. It was  the first time I flew on a plane, a Boeing 707, on Northwest Orient Air…

Blog #9 - Steven Frank

1966/67 Memories at Gallaudet College   I arrived at Krug Hall in June 1966 for Summer school for six weeks at Gallaudet  College. About 75 students including Sign Language Classes (I think so) were there. I  remember that I met John Egbert. There were a lot of activities which were fun. …

Blog #10 - Warren Kramer

August 2020   Here is a summary of my student days at Gallaudet:  I have already explained in an earlier blog about the Summer School for entering  students in 1967.  Although my Freshmen year was difficult and I did not obtain high grades in that year. I  obtained far better grades from…

Blog #11 - John Egbert

Why did I write the “MindField” book?  By John Egbert  The basic reason why I wrote the MindField book was to relay my message to the parents who have  Deaf children that is 95% of the Deaf children having hearing parents.  My parents were hearing too.   My parents were innocent as well a…

Blog #13 - John Egbert

I have written some experiences approaching to a reality of difficulty with  convincing so-called Deaf experts advocating oral method without any capability to  communicate with signing language and despite the fact I have poor English  language skills.  Please have all 71’ers to read my …

Blog#14 - John Egbert

Tower of Babel   The story of the Tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages.   God was concerned that Humans had blasphemed by building the tower to avoid a   second floor so God brought into existence multiple languages. Thus, humans were   divided into linguis…